1/20/11 14:00
mpiexec -np 5 -host localhost,node001,node002,node003,node004 /common/clcbfxcell/blastall_cell_mpi -c cell_sw -v 1 -a 8 -b 1 -p blastx -m 8 -i /Volumes/bigfishRAID/Users/safs/Dropbox/Cluster/tmp/SockeyeSoliddenovo81952.fa  -d /common/clcbfxcell/databases/swissprot.fasta > /Volumes/bigfishRAID/Users/safs/Dropbox/Cluster/tmp/SockeyeSoliddenovo81952_SP.txt 

DEAD at sequence ConsensusfromContig20371

nothing weird.

going to cut everything before 20380 and try again
1/21 7:00
mpiexec -np 5 -host localhost,node001,node002,node003,node004 /common/clcbfxcell/blastall_cell_mpi -c cell_sw -v 1 -a 14 -b 1 -p blastx -m 8 -i /Volumes/bigfishRAID/Users/safs/Dropbox/Cluster/tmp/SockeyeSoliddenovoGrT20780.fa  -d /common/clcbfxcell/databases/swissprot.fasta > /Volumes/bigfishRAID/Users/safs/Dropbox/Cluster/tmp/SockeyeSoliddenovoGrT20780_SP.txt 

DEAD in minutes
restarted using 8 instead of 14 cpus

DEAD again 
Give up

also starting up on Galaxy (megablast- nt)
notes appear as if it worked before.

megablast finished and at 
maybe about 3 hours to do 80k (only nucleotide though) need to get table

ALSO trying SP blastx on Inquiry


SP blast worked!!

Raw data @